Sermon List

The Master’s Table

July 21, 2024

Jesus loves all who come to Him by faith – Jew and Gentile alike

Be Sound in Faith

July 14, 2024

Sound teaching and sober living makes Christ attractive in a corrupt society.

Sound doctrine promotes good works of godly living and profitable testimonies

The Lord Jesus Christ died for sin so the believer can no longer be a slave to sin.

God’s Word teaches men how to be godly fathers.

Using New Testament to complement the Old Testament and vice versa, the focus was on the Lord Jesus allows things to fall apart (ie, religion, sometimes a job or sickness,…

The justification is attained as a gift because of the righteousness of Jesus Christ on the cross and accounted by faith.

Hell can’t change people, only faith in Christ transforms them.

Hell is a grievous place, but is the unbelievers destiny

The Rich Man represents the unsaved and their destined to Hell, the place of “eternal torment.”