Jesus Christ died, was buried and rose again according to the Scriptures as the perfect solution for our sin.
God revealed Himself to Abraham and continues to do so to offer salvation to the lost.
Jesus Christ lives out all His teaching, especially to love one's enemies
Israel's 3 main feasts establish their spiritual calendar declaring personal salvation(spring), future church(summer), and global proclamation (fall)
Jesus Christ came in the flesh and died on the cross to manifest the love of God as unto salvation and godly living.
Are we Hungering for Righteousness? Wives are you submitting to husbands without any fear? Husband are you destroying your family cause of inaction? Are we Stealing Glory from God
The Jew and the Christian are both save by faith, not works. God uses Israel as a physical example of spiritual truth.
God, alone is worthy of our worship. Salvation through grace and faith bring us into a right relationship with Him.